Andrus Accelerates Final Mile

Many drivers waste away waiting to unload cargo. In the Los Angeles area, the average wait time is about 3.2 hours. For these drivers, it is no different: time is money. Andrus Transportation Service, Inc….

CRST’s Record-Breaking Team Driver Pay

Across all divisions, CRST offers many driving partners the option to choose increased home time packages, dedicated routes, and career opportunities as independent contractors. This May, the company is making strides to achieve industry-leading pay….

Pulling for Pink Panthers

By Reagan Payne Pink isn’t a color one might quickly associate with the trucking industry, but it’s a prominent shade with one of the fastest growing companies on the road. It all goes back to…

Covenant Realigns Executive Management Team

Covenant Logistics Group, the parent company of Covenant Transport and other entities, has announced key changes to its executive leadership team.Joey Hogan will become president and Principal Financial Officer and Paul Bunn has been promoted…

The Heart of Legacy Express

The journey began at Mercury Marine, a Fortune 500 company based in Fond du Lac, Wis. Two coworkers with big dreams and a brotherly bond built Legacy Express: a trucking family celebrating their 10th anniversary…